More: words from past Adoptive Families

From Janette, spring 2019: Gracee is loving the patch of grass. Can’t wait until she has the whole yard. Loving this little one. Thank you to all your family for taking such good care of these pups…Y’all will always be a part of my extended family. I am so thankful for Gracee and the joy she has brought me.

From Beth: I keep meaning to text you to let you know we are loving our sweet girl. We ended up naming her Penny because of her beautiful copperish color.

Spring 2019, from LS: Thank you! George has made a great addition to our family ☺️

From Dennis, spring 2019: Are all the puppies gone? I would suspect they are. They are gorgeous. Here’s Reba today. She’s really adapted well and loves everybody she meets. I didn’t think I could replace Gi Gi but Reba’s won me over, I’m glad I made the choice to get another Poodle. Reba is housebroken and is learning so quickly. The easiest dog I’ve ever raised and I’ve always had a dog of some type since I was about 10 years old. My dad was also a dog lover. I’m now a Poodle advocate though, they are so smart. Everyone that sees Reba loves her, I hope you get some inquiries as everyone wants to know where I got her.

Hi Christine!
I thought you might like to know how Fat Chance is doing. He is an amazing dog! He is so smart and absolutely perfect for MC. He is growing so fast. Chance is the best dog my family has ever had. He is perfect… As you might remember, we got him to become her service dog. Well, he has started training and is already doing great! He is soooo smart! Anyway, I am attaching some recent pictures of him with her. Feel free to keep in touch.
From Sarah:
I just wanted to let you know that we just love Royal T. He was just the medicine we needed to take the sting out of losing Sirius.  Thank you so much for this puppy.  We just love him and he is getting along well.  Today, my husband said he would be interested in a second poodle in the future…we would love to give him a brother.  Thanks again!!!
Update: As I have said before, I love Royal.  He is just the best dog…
From Diane:
Christine, please accept our thanks for everything you have done as a breeder of Standard Poodles.
We have never had a dog come to us so well trained, pup or adult!  Before we even arrived back home, this fine little fellow wiggled his way into our hearts.  What a good boy he is!
The training, care and time you and your family invested is absolutely evident and we so appreciate it.  Pippa’s  litter are beautiful  pups with great temperaments, so well-balanced.
The puppy bag was a great touch, many special items to get us started with our happy boy.  The towel and toy with mom’s and littermates scents were such a help when it came time for bed.  Every special touch you provided added to our wonderful experience.
Many sincere thanks,  Bob and Diane
From Vicki:
Hi Christine – I just thought you might like to know that Elsa is doing really well.  She is going to the bathroom outside whenever we take her out – only one time in here and that was right after she arrived home.
Thank you so much for doing such a good job of training her.  And she is such a sweetie.  I’m already in love with her.

From Lise:

Perfect!!! Boy.  Immediately made himself at home!!!!  Fantastic beyond measure!!! {and from another note later} I don’t usually send photos of me sick, BUT THIS DOG IS THE BEST PUPPY EVER.  He is the best ever!!!!!  Truly.  GREAT.  He is doing fantastic.  Best.  Dog.  Ever.

From Tashi:

Quincy Blu is doing wonderful!  He’s so funny the way he sleeps, had to take a pic. He’s had an eventful last 2 days going to parks, playing fetch, and just playing hard.  Hi is a great boy!  We love him!

From Heather:

Love Love our New girl.  I’m not sure if she is super “special” or if all poodles are this awesome, but I don’t know if we will ever go doodle again 🙂 thank you…I know some folks that may be interested since meeting Annabelle.  She is soo soft.  Its unreal.  Love that girl.  Miloh loves his new little sis!

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